Nasal Congestion Treatments

Nasal Congestion Treatment Services for Miami-Dade County

Nasal congestion can have a variety of unpleasant effects on your body and your daily life. People with nasal congestion can have trouble breathing, difficulty sleeping, headaches, fatigue, and even dizziness. It can also lead to sinus infections, ear infections, and postnasal drip. These are things that can make your daily life uncomfortable, lead to a decrease in productivity, and be a general nuisance. There are over-the-counter treatments that can provide temporary relief, but only an ENT doctor can provide long-lasting relief.

  • Optimizes craniofacial development
  • Reduces upper airway resistance
  • Increases delivery of nitric oxide to lungs
  • Enhances lung ventilation and gas exchange
  • Increases tone of oropharyngeal musculature
  • Reduces hyperventilation related chemosensitivity

Causes of Nasal Congestion

Nasal congestion can be caused by numerous things such as inflammation and swelling of the nasal tissues and blood vessels, which is often caused by a common cold, flu, allergies, or sinus infection. Other potential causes include environmental irritants such as smoke, dust, and strong odors, which a lot of people experience during the change of seasons, especially in the spring and summer months.

Nasal Congestion Treatment Options

  1. Over-the-counter sprays: Nasal sprays, such as those containing oxymetazoline or phenylephrine, can help to reduce nasal congestion. They are widely available at your local pharmacy. Sprays can often provide temporary relief when needed.
  2. Decongestant pills: Decongestant pills such as pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine can be taken orally to reduce nasal congestion. They can be effective for up to 24-hour periods, but again it is only temporary relief. The pills need to be purchased at the pharmacy directly from the pharmacist. Their active ingredients are highly regulated by the government. There are options for ones you can buy on your own and prescriptions.
  3. Nasal corticosteroids: Corticosteroids are an anti-inflammatory drug. Those that contain active ingredients such as fluticasone can be used to reduce inflammation and swelling in the nasal passages.
  4. Nasal irrigation: You can use an at-home saline solution to help flush out irritants and allergens and reduce congestion. This can be an effective solution to clear your nasal passages.
  5. Antihistamines: These can come in various forms including sprays and pills. Antihistamines such as loratadine or cetirizine can be used to reduce allergic reactions and reduce nasal congestion. There are both OTC and prescription strength options.
  6. Steam inhalation: You can use a humidifier or take a hot shower to inhale the steam, which can help to reduce congestion.
  7. Neti Pots: They can be used to flush out the nasal passages with a saline solution. The neti pot is the system in which the saline solution is administered to clear out your nasal passages.

Contact Our ENT Doctor Today!

At Sleep, Snoring & Sinus Clinic Of Florida, we provide nasal congestion treatments to the Miami-Dade County area. Dealing with nasal congestion can have numerous unpleasant effects such as difficulty breathing, dizziness, and difficulty sleeping. Our ENT doctor can provide you with relief from the congestion and help you feel good again. They will offer you advice on how to manage your nasal congestion and help with long-term relief. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our nasal congestion specialists!

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